Hello Austria!

Hello World is a common phrase in programming. Your first task in every programming language is just display the text "Hello World". For us today, it is Hello Austria, because we have most friends and family in Austria.

In this weblog, we blog about our adventures in Kobe ( 神戸 , Japan). We got granted a student exchange year by the University of Graz and the Japanese government for winter term 2016/17 and summer term 2017 at Kobe Daigaku ( 神戸大学 ). Luckily, we both got granted an exchange year at same time and place. Lukas is going to write a bachelor thesis on Machine Learning and Martina is trying to attend Mathematics classes in Japanese. Both of us are also taking classes to learn some more Japanese, though we will to be in different courses. Unlike Martina, Lukas has very little experience with Japanese language yet. Remaining hours will be used with courses of English language studies and Japanese culture studies.

We agreed to regularly go sightseeing inside/outside Kobe. As time permits we will post articles and photos on our experiences. This weblog is accompanied by a Gallery and website with general information. In general you can find many Japan-related content on the internet; not specific to us. Like NHK world (Japan’s public broadcast), reddit’s Japan channel is active and don’t forget awesome Tofugo.

So far so good. Cheers from Japan!

My laptop in Japan with Daim sweets, Japanese Yen and the power supply besides