Project nihon ni ryuugakusei (日本に留学生)


News & events

Text written by LukasPhoto shows a market in China Town

Current time Asia/Tokyo

Time and date in Kōbe

Kōbe uses the Asia/Tokyo timezone (JST). Hence, it uses GMT+9 meaning you need to add 9 hours to the current Greenwhich time to determine the local time. To be sure, you can refer to JST does not have daylight saving times.

Kōbe local time is now.

In Austria, GMT+2 is used in summer and GMT+1 is used in winter. This makes a difference to JST of 7 hours in summer and 8 hours in winter. Again, you can use for reference.

Austria local time is now.

Weather alerts

To read about weather alerts in my region, please refer to JMA (Japan's Meteorological Agency) in Hyogo Prefecture directly or ask for a subscription at Advisories of various weather-related kinds are issued at this overview page.

General outline of our year

First mid-term examination (English course)
Tottori Earthquake
Registering for all courses in winter semester (quarter 3 and 4)
Event day: Osaka and the sea
I lost Felix' camera
Event day: Kobe City Jinjas
Typhoon Chaba hits South Korea and Japan
Registering at university
Registering at the dormitory
Arrival in Japan

Academic calendar at Kōbe University

Via Academic calendar at Kōbe University.

Semester 2 / Fall (October 1 - March 31)
Start of 2nd semester and 3rd quarter October 1
Class Registration October 16
Orientation for New International Students 11th of October
Medical Check-up for New International Students 27th of October
Rokkosai (University festival) 12th and 13th of November 2016
Third quarter ends - fourth quarter starts 5th of December - 6th of December
Winter Vacation December 25 - January 7
Start of Semester Examinations January 21* - February 8
End of fourth quarter 10th of February
Commencement Ceremony March 24, 25
End of 2nd semester 31st of March
Semester 1 / Spring (April 1 - September 30)
Start of 1st semester and 1st quarter 1st of April
Entrance Ceremony 5th of April
Orientation for New International Students April 6
Medical Check-up for New Students April 3,6,8,9
First Day of Class April 6*
Class Registration April 16-24
University Anniversary Day 15th of May
End of first quarter 9th of June
Start of 2nd quarter 10th of June
End of 2nd quarter 9th of August
Summer Vacation August 8 - September 30
End of first semester 30th of September

Japan's public holidays

See also Wikipedia: Public holidays in Japan

The Emperor's Birthday (tennou tanjoubi) December, the 23rd
New Year's Day (ganjitsu) January, the 1st
Adult's Day (seijin no hi) 2nd Monday in January
National Foundation Day (kenkoku kinen no hi) February, the 11th
Spring Equinox Day (shumbun no hi) March, the 21st
Day of Showa (shouwa no hi) April, the 29th
Constitution Day (kempou kinembi) May 3
Greenery Day (midori no hi) May 4
Children's Day (kodomo no hi) May 5
University Anniversary Day (umi no hi) May 15
Marine Day (umi no hi) 3rd Mon. in Jul.
Mountain's day (yama no hi) August 11
Respect-for-the-Aged Day (keirou no hi) 3rd Mon. in Sep.
Autumnal Equinox Day (shoubun no hi) Sep. 23
Sports Day 2nd Monday in October (taiiku no hi)
Culture Day (Bunka no hi) November, the 3rd
Labor Thanksgiving Day (Kinrou Kansha no hi) November, the 23rd

Weekly schedule (Lukas)

Bold text represents what I am doing expectedly right now.

During the week (Mon–Fri)

00:00-07:00 Sleeping
07:00-08:00 Getting up and going to university
08:00-17:00 Attending classes, eating lunch or studying Japanese
17:00-20:00 Going home, optionally joining club activity (Karate or Aikido), visiting the supermarket and planning the weekend
20:00-21:00 Eating, writing on my thesis and studying vocabulary
21:00-22:00 Working on private projects
22:00-23:00 Publishing articles or working on the homepage you are looking at
23:00-07:00 Showering and sleeping


Day spent with studying. I have Aikido class after lunch time.

Sunday or public holiday

08:00-09:00 Getting up and getting ready
09:00-17:00 Event day; hence completing our bucket list
17:00-20:00 Going home
20:00-22:00 Publishing articles
22:00-23:00 Studying
23:00-08:00 Showering and sleeping